We think our Bees

Provide the best Honey in Boondall

Viewing window
Viewing window

The side window in the Honey super allows us to take a quick look into the hive to see how the bees are going.

Loads of colour
Loads of colour

The bees collect pollen from many flowers but only store the same type of pollen in a single comb cell.

Ready to fill
Ready to fill

These Flow frames let us extract the honey without disturbing the bees. We still need to do our hive inspections and take care of the bees.

From cleaning to wonderful raw honey

The bee work is never done

Bees hard at work
Bees hard at work

Bees keep busy cleaning and preparing the cells for honey storage.

Bees filling the frames
Bees filling the frames

As the bees reduce the water content of the nectar the nectar turns into delicious honey. Once it is around 18 percent water they cap the honey for storage.

Fully capped honey
Fully capped honey

Once the frame is fully capped both sides we can leave it for the bees or swap the frame for another one so they can build up the next frame of honey.

Pure Raw Honey
Pure Raw Honey

The colours of honey change based on the different plants the bees are foraging from. From light yellow to very dark brown. Its exciting to see what colour is going to be next out of the hive!


What people are saying

"You guys are legendary! It's great and love the amazing honey. I couldn’t ask for any better. Thank you!"


"Golden honey, can't get enough of it. Tastes sooooo good! Alex i need more HONEY!!!


I'll Bee back for sure. The flavours are so amazing. I can't wait to get some of the next batch of honey comb!
